H4001. SI-system of units (NEN 999)

H4001. SI-system of units (NEN 999)
Category Type of unit SI-unit
Name Symbol Derivative
Base units Length meter m
Mass kilogram kg
Time seconde s
Electrical current ampère A
Thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
Quantity of matter mol mol
Light strengths candela cd
Supplementary units Flat angle radiaal rad
Solid angle steradiaal sr
Derived units with own name and symbol Surface square meter m2
Volume, capacity cubic meter m3
Frequency hertz Hz s-1
Power newton N kg.m.s-2
Pressure pascal Pa N.m-2 kg.m-1.s-2
Energy joule J N.m kg.m2.s-2
Power watt W J.s-1kg.m2.s-3
Electrical conductivity siemens S V-1.Akg-1.m-2.s3.A2
Electrical charge coulomb C A.s
Electrical potential volt V W.A-1 kg.m2.s-3.A-1
Electrical resistance ohm O V.A-1 kg.m2.s-3.A-2
Capacity farad F C.V-1 kg-1.m-2.A2
Light power lumen lm cd.sr
Light strength lux lx cd.sr.m-2