H4003. Conversions to SI-units (NEN 999 and NEN 3049)

H4003. Conversions to SI-units (NEN 999 and NEN 3049)

Overview of various SI and imperial units and conversion to SI.

Type of unit Name of unit Symbol Quantity SI-symbool
Length micron µ 10-6 m
inch in 0,0254 m
foot ft 0,3048 m
yard yd 0,9144 m
mile (statute) mi 1.609,34 m
nautical mile n mile 1.852 m
Surface centiare ca 1 m2
are a 100 m2
hectare ha 10.000 m2
square inch in2 645,16 x 10-6 m2
square foot ft2 92.903 x 10-6 m2
acre acre 4.046,86 m2
Volume cubical centimeter cm3 10-6 m3
cubical decimeter dm3 0,001 m3
liter l 0,001 m3
registerton registerton 2,83 m3
cubic inch in3 16,387 x 10-6 m3
cubic foot ft3 28.316,8 x 10-6 m3
imperial gallon UKgal 4.546,1 x 10-6 m3
US gallon USgal 3.785,4 x 10-6 m3
dry barrel US dry bbl (US) 115.627 x 10-6 m3
oil barrel US oil bbl (US) 158.987 x 10-6 m3
Flow rate, volumetric flow ft3.h-1 7,86579 x 10-6 m3.s-1
UKgal.min-1 75,7682 x 10-6 m3.s-1
UKgal.h-1 1,2628 x 10-6 m3.s-1
USgal.min-1 63,0902 x 10-6 m3.s-1
USgal.h-1 1,0515 x 10-6 m3.s-1
oil bbl.d-1 (US) 1,84013 x 10-6 m3.s-1
Mass gram g 0,001 kg
grain gr 64,7989 x 10-6 kg
pound lb 453.592 x 10-6 kg
ton t 1.000 kg
UK ton UKton 1.016,05 kg
Density kilogram per cubical meter kg.m3
lb.ft-3 16,0185 kg.m-3
lb.UKgal-1 99,7763 kg.m-3
lb.USgal-1 119,826 kg.m-3
Force kilogram force kgf 9,80665 N
poundforce lbf 4,44822 N
poundal pdl 0,13826 N
Moment of force newton meter N.m